Opportunity Builders, Inc. Wish List
Outdoor patio furniture, hammocks, swings
Shephard's hooks, Wind chimes, outdoor lights
Pop up tents, gazebos
Cornhole boards/sets
Outdoor Lawn Games
Indoor and outdoor fitness and sports equipment
Tablets (in good condition)
Sensory items/toys/fidgets
Locking file or storage cabinets
Outdoor storage cabinets
Hoyer Lift (in good condition)
If you would like to help support any of these items, please reach out to Marsha Legg at mlegg@obiworks.org
OBI's mission is to support youth and adults with disabilities to experience full inclusion in their communities as they learn, work, and pursue their paths to personal success.
Regarding autism specifically, we envision Anne Arundel County as a community that embraces its citizens with autism to be fully included in all aspects. Our vision is that people with autism are celebrated for the diversity they add to our community, and appreciated for their contributions to the workforce and economic development of our County.